Oyster Shell Calcium Carbonate

Oyster Shell Calcium Carbonate Powder

Oyster Shell Calcium Carbonate Powder | Caltron Clays

Caltron’s Oyster Shell Calcium Carbonate Powder

Caltron’s oyster shell calcium carbonate is marketed under their brand name OY-CAL. Caltron is one of the reputed manufacturers of Oyster Shell Calcium Carbonate. We offer the most authentic and purest form of oyster shell calcium powder. The shells procured by us undergo stringent quality checks and proper processing to make it highly acceptable in the Healthcare Industry. We are also one of the largest exporter of oyster shell calcium carbonate powder in India. The Oyster shells that we use in making of our oyster shell calcium carbonate powder are considered the best quality and we try to maintain our quality standards without compromising on anything. We can cater to huge quantity demands by domestic and international markets.

Our Oyster Shell Calcium Carbonate Powder is ideal for making Tablets, Capsules, Suspension, Soft Gelatine Capsules, Chewable Tablets, and many other forms in the Pharmaceutical, Food, Nutraceutical, and Cosmetic Industry. Calcium is one of the most important and demanded minerals by the body. With the passage of time, companies have switched over to natural forms of calcium. Gone are the days, when most of the calcium-based supplements were prepared by using rock-based calcium carbonate which has now turned obsolete & prolonged use of which could lead to kidney stones.

Oyster Shells are derived from marine source, which naturally consists of Calcium, Magnesium, Silica which are essentially required by the body. Our specially designed purification process restricts most of the impurity from entering the final product.

Oysto Teratta

Calcium Carbonate powder derived from Oysto Teratta species is considered the best quality. These species are highly fibrous in nature. The powder derived from Oysto Teratta has a flaky texture, apart from calcium, it also contains magnesium of about 1.5%. These shells are very fragile and clean. The availability of these shells is limited, however, we have contracted a number of excavation teams all around the globe to get us the best quality & un-interrupted supplies throughout the year.


This is another specie of oyster shell calcium that is available in abundance. The assay as CaCO3 is less as compared to Oysto Teratta, however, this is a cheaper substitute to Oysto Teratta.

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