Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Caltron’s Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Powder Food Grade addresses a broad spectrum of harmful toxins entering the body including:
- Bacteria
- Parasites
- Fungi
- Protozoa
- Viruses (including poliovirus)
- Endotoxins
- Pesticide and drug residues
- E-Coli
- Heavy Metals (including methyl mercury)
- Proteinaceous toxins produced by some intestinal infections
Many harmful things entering the body have a positive charge. Amorphous Food grade diatomaceous earth is a semi-conductive mineral which when warmed by body heat becomes negatively charged and gives off electrons. These negatively charged mineral ions and/or individual shells attract bad microbes, free radicals, positively charged waste, and other harmful things. Acting as magnets, the negatively charged shells and/or ions attract and absorb positive things that are small enough to go through the holes. Add a sugar molecule and you can trap toxins into the porous food-grade DE particle which is then excreted safely out of the body. Because of the strong charge, each shell can absorb a large number of positively charged substances, whether they be chemical or in the form of bacteria or viruses. They pass on through the stomach and intestine, taking these harmful substances out of the body.
When Diatomaceous Earth is taken into the body it starts working in 3 different ways:
- As it moves through the stomach and digestive tract, it attracts and absorbs bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses (including poliovirus), endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues, E-Coli, heavy metals (including methyl mercury) and protein, perhaps even the proteinaceous toxins produced by some intestinal infections. These toxins are trapped and passed out of the body. In addition, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach of the digestive tract are “cut-up” and killed by the sharp edges of the DE (but DE does NOT kill the beneficial bacteria in the gut). All of these activities result in a much healthier body with less sickness. Many DE users claim to “feel better” with the use of DE. This better feeling comes from all the “junk” being removed from the body and by giving our immune system the “jump-start” it needs.
- A small amount of Diatomaceous Earth gets absorbed into the bloodstream as silica. One of the benefits of Silica is that it helps to destroy bad fats. On average, DE lowers cholesterol by 40-50 points. Many users have also experienced a decrease in high blood pressure.
- Diatomaceous Earth is very hard. On the hardness scale where diamonds are a 9, DE is a 7. This is very important, because as those millions of tiny hard and sharp DE cylinders pass through the small and large intestines, they “scrub” the walls. After only a few months of taking DE, the intestine wall is no longer coated with mucus and molds but CLEAN!! The advantages of this are:
- 1) Regular bowel movements
- 2) Healthier Colon. This is especially important as we get older. A clean healthy colon keeps away polyps, cancers, and ulcers. Today, many are spending thousands of dollars to get colonics to do the same thing as DE does. Many users report increased energy and needing less sleep. This is a result of all the food and nutrients that are taken in being better absorbed into the bloodstream. With a coated colon many nutrients never get absorbed.
- A small amount of Diatomaceous Earth gets absorbed into the bloodstream as silica. One of the benefits of Silica is that it helps to destroy bad fats. On average, DE lowers cholesterol by 40-50 points. Many users have also experienced a decrease in high blood pressure.
The benefits of silica are many. In today’s grains, there is actually a shortage of silica. Years ago, the silica found in our foodstuffs was adequate, but with today’s hybrids and depleted soils, only about 1/3 of the silica needed is supplied in our food. DE is a simple and inexpensive way to get the silica your body needs.
The intake of silica through DE can help you in many ways:
- Lower High Blood Pressure.
- Lower Cholesterol Level – Most are reporting 40-50 points lower after only 2 weeks on DE
- Sore joints feeling better – Osteoporosis is a symptom of the aging process. As calcium in our body system depletes, our bones become brittle and weak. Taking only a calcium supplement cannot correct or stop this threatening and crippling disease because the body cannot assimilate and make use of the calcium without the presence of silica.
- Healthier skin – Overseas, DE is used extensively as a health and beauty product for hair, skin, nails, bones, and joints. Tissue degeneration accelerates due to aging when connective tissue develops an increasing inability to retain moisture when left unassisted.
- Hair That Grows – Hair is nature’s greatest beauty enhancer. Hair deserves to be pampered. Hair at 90 micrograms per gram is almost as rich in silica as are healthy bones, which contain 100 micrograms per gram. Silica is a major component of hair.
- Teeth and Gums – Hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth. Silica also prevents bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and recession that cause the loosening of teeth, which could ultimately lead to tooth loss. Silica effectively fights ulceration and the decay of bones and teeth and also lessens inflammation.
- Toughens nails – Your nail plates are complex protein structures that grow four to five millimeters per month on average. With silica supplementation, fragile nails become normal within a short period of time. Silica will beautify the appearance of your nails and improve their hardness, making them shinier and less prone to breaking.
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